1,000 new models every season: autumn-winter and spring-summer. Collections are characterised by their variety and diversity, so that our clients can choose the pieces that best suit the style of their clientele.
The quality that we seek in our pieces here at Salvatore Plata stems from combining two important aspects in their making: the latest technology with a handcrafted finish. The materials we use to manufacture the jewellery, and sterling silver in particular, have values well above the legal limits for both the Spanish and international markets. We use the latest colour bath technology for silver, which makes us pioneers in this area. Whenever we use stones or crystals, we seek the highest quality, incorporating the latest fashions in stones, sizes and colours.
Our principal challenge is quality assurance. Each piece of sterling silver includes our hallmark of responsibility registered with the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office under number 2,095,446(8), and the hallmark from the official precious metal laboratory of the Metalworking, Furniture, Wood, Packaging and Related Technological Institute (AIDIMME).
This is how we guarantee that each article is sterling silver. On top of this, and together with AIDIMME, we evaluate the absence of toxic metals in the items in order to ensure that only products that are safe for people and their health are sold.